Club Leadership

2023 Board of Directors

The board of directors are elected annually. Generally the election is during the Nov general meeting. Service starts Jan 1.

Jamie Hughes - WA7JH

Brian N7CIS

Brian Swords - N7CIS

Vice President

Craig Hatfield - WA7CH


Ben Flanig - KJ7LAE


Phil Housel - KC7SVI

Sergeant at Arms

Doug Blangsted - K7CDF

Director at Large

Rich Packard - W7FTC

Director at Large
Stan Bradley - KS5B

Stan Bradley - KS5B

Director at Large

2024 Committee Chairs

Committees are appointed by the president

Membership Committee
Chair – Dan Hebert – KX7DX

Equipment Committee
Chair – Ed Harris – K7EZN

Hamfest Committee
Chair – Brian Sword – N7CIS

Technical Committee
Chair – Jamie Hughes – WA7JH

Public Relations Committee
Chair – Jamie Hughes – WA7JH